• Saturday, July 11, 2020

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     [1] All tools (370 tools)
     [2] Tools category
     [3] Update onex
     [4] About us
     [5] Exit
    //___// Tool Category
     1 Information Gathering
     2 Vulnerability Scanner
     3 Exploitation Tools
     4 Wireless Testing
     5 Forensics Tools
     6 Web Hacking
     7 Stress Testing
     8 Sniffing & Spoofing
     9 Password Attacks
     10 Maintaining Access
     11 IP-Tracking tools
     12 Programming Languages
     13 DDOS Attacks
     14 Web Server's
     0 Back
    //___// All Tools
     1 4nonimizer
     2 ADB-Toolkit
     3 admin-panel-finder
     4 aircrack-ng
     5 airgeddon
     6 air-hammer
     7 AndroBugs_Framework
     8 Androspy
     9 angryFuzzer
     10 apache2
     11 apt2
     12 A-Rat
     13 arch-linux
     14 arp-scan
     15 ATSCAN
     16 Automater
     17 AutoPixieWps
     18 Auxscan
     19 avet
     20 BadMod
     21 BAF
     22 bbqsql
     23 bed
     24 beef
     25 BeeLogger
     26 bettercap
     27 bing-ip2hosts
     28 binwalk
     29 blackbox
     30 Black-Hydra
     31 Blazy
     32 bleachbit
     33 braa
     34 Breacher
     35 Brutal
     36 brutespray
     37 BruteX
     38 bulk_extractor
     39 capstone
     40 catphish
     41 c
     42 cdpsnarf
     43 CeWL
     44 c++
     45 CHAOS
     46 clang
     47 Clickjacking-Tester
     48 CMSeeK
     49 CMSmap
     50 commix
     51 Cookie-stealer
     52 cowpatty
     53 cpscan
     54 crackle
     55 CrawlBox
     56 creddump
     57 credmap
     58 CredSniper
     59 Crips
     60 crowbar
     61 cuckoo
     62 cupp
     63 curl
     64 CyberScan
     65 dbd
     66 deblaze
     67 dedsploit
     68 demiguise
     69 Devploit
     70 DHCPig
     71 distorm
     72 djangohunter
     73 DKMC
     74 dmitry
     75 dnschef
     76 dnsenum
     77 dnsmap
     78 dnsrecon
     79 doona
     80 doork
     81 dotdotpwn
     82 Dr0p1t-Framework
     83 Dracnmap
     84 DSSS
     85 DSVW
     86 DSXS
     87 D-TECT
     88 dumpzilla
     89 EagleEye
     90 eaphammer
     91 EasY_HaCk
     92 EggShell
     93 elpscrk
     94 Email-Spammer
     95 Empire
     96 enum4linux
     97 eternal_scanner
     98 evilginx
     99 EvilURL
     100 exploitdb
     101 ExploitOnCLI
     102 extundelete
     103 EyeWitness
     104 ezsploit
     105 FakeImageExploiter
     106 faraday
     107 fbht
     108 FBUPv2.0
     109 fbvid
     110 fern-wifi-cracker
     111 fierce
     112 figlet
     113 findmyhash
     114 Findsploit
     115 firewalk
     116 fluxion
     117 foremost
     118 fragroute
     119 fragrouter
     120 fsociety
     121 fuckshitup
     122 fuxploider
     123 gasmask
     124 gcat
     125 gcc
     126 Gemail-Hack
     127 get
     128 ghost-phisher
     129 giskismet
     130 git
     131 Gloom-Framework
     132 GoblinWordGenerator
     133 gobuster
     134 golang
     135 GoldenEye
     136 golismero
     137 goofile
     138 hacktronian
     139 hakkuframework
     140 hammer
     141 Hash-Buster
     142 hashcat
     143 hasherdotid
     144 hasher
     145 hash-generator
     146 Hatch
     147 HiddenEye
     148 HTools
     149 httptunnel
     150 HT-WPS-Breaker
     151 hulk
     152 Hunner
     153 hURL
     154 hydra
     155 Infoga
     156 InSpy
     157 Instahack
     158 Intersect-2.5
     159 intrace
     160 IP-FY
     161 IPGeoLocation
     162 IP-Locator
     163 IP-Tracer
     164 iSMTP
     165 jboss-autopwn
     166 johnny
     167 JohnTheRipper
     168 joomscan
     169 jsql-injection
     170 kalibrate-rtl
     171 KatanaFramework
     172 keimpx
     173 kickthemout
     174 killchain
     175 killerbee
     176 killshot
     177 KnockMail
     178 koadic
     179 kwetza
     180 LALIN
     181 Lazymux
     182 Leaked
     183 leviathan
     184 LFISuite
     185 LITEDDOS
     186 LITESPAM
     187 lscript
     188 lynis
     189 maskprocessor
     190 masscan
     191 Mercury
     192 metasploit-framework
     193 Meterpreter_Paranoid_Mode-SSL
     194 mfcuk
     195 mfoc
     196 mfterm
     197 mitmproxy
     198 morpheus
     199 msfpc
     200 multimon-ng
     201 MyServer
     202 nano
     203 netattack2
     204 netattack
     205 netdiscover
     206 Nethunter-In-Termux
     207 nginx
     208 nikto
     209 nishang
     210 nmap
     211 nodejs
     212 nodexp
     213 noisy
     214 nWatch
     215 onioff
     216 openvas
     217 OSIF
     218 osrframework
     219 p0f
     220 PadBuster
     221 Parat
     222 Parsero
     223 patator
     224 pdf-parser
     225 peepdf
     226 perl
     227 php
     228 PiDense
     229 pixiewps
     230 Planetwork-DDOS
     231 plecost
     232 powerfuzzer
     233 PowerSploit
     234 proxystrike
     235 pupy
     236 pwnat
     237 PwnSTAR
     238 Pybelt
     239 pybluez
     240 PyBozoCrack
     241 pydictor
     242 pyPISHER
     243 Pyrit
     244 python
     245 qark
     246 QRLJacking
     247 rang3r
     248 rdpy
     249 reaver
     250 ReconDog
     251 recon-ng
     252 RED_HAWK
     253 RegRipper2.8
     254 Remot3d
     255 Responder
     256 ReverseAPK
     257 ridenum
     258 routersploit
     259 roxysploit
     260 RTLSDR-Scanner
     261 ruby
     262 sAINT
     263 santet-online
     265 secHub
     266 SecLists
     267 SET
     268 SH33LL
     269 shellnoob
     270 shellstack
     271 shimit
     272 shodanwave
     273 Simple-Fuzzer
     274 sipvicious
     275 skipfish
     276 slowhttptest
     277 slowloris
     278 smap
     279 smbmap
     280 SMBrute
     281 Sn1per
     282 sniffjoke
     283 SocialBox
     284 social-engineer-toolkit
     285 SocialFish
     286 Spammer-Email
     287 Spammer-Grab
     288 sqliv
     289 sqlmap
     290 sqlmate
     291 sqlscan
     292 sslcaudit
     293 sslsplit
     294 sslstrip
     295 sslyze
     296 Stitch
     297 Striker
     298 Sublist3r
     299 subscraper
     300 termineter
     301 TermuxAlpine
     302 termux-fedora
     303 termux-lazysqlmap
     304 termux-ubuntu
     305 Th3inspector
     306 thc-ipv6
     307 the-backdoor-factory
     308 The-Eye
     309 TheFatRat
     310 theHarvester
     311 toilet
     312 Tool-X
     313 torghost
     314 torshammer
     315 TorStat
     316 tor
     317 trackout
     318 trape
     319 Trity
     320 trojanizer
     321 txtool
     322 uidsploit
     323 Umbrella
     324 Vegile
     325 volatility
     326 w3af
     327 w3m
     328 wafw00f
     329 WAScan
     330 webdav
     331 webpwn3r
     332 WebScarab
     333 websploit
     334 WebXploiter
     335 weeman
     336 weevely3
     337 wfdroid-termux
     338 wfuzz
     339 wget
     340 WhatWeb
     341 WifiBruteCrack
     342 WifiGod
     343 wifi-hacker
     344 wifiphisher
     345 WiFi-Pumpkin
     346 wifitap
     347 wifite2
     348 wifite
     349 wifresti
     350 Winpayloads
     351 wirespy
     352 WP-plugin-scanner
     353 wpscan
     354 WPSeku
     355 wreckuests
     356 XAttacker
     357 xerosploit
     358 xplico
     359 XPL-SEARCH
     360 Xshell
     361 xspy
     362 xsser
     363 XSStrike
     364 yersinia
     365 zambie
     366 zaproxy
     367 zarp
     368 Zerodoor
     369 zip
     370 zirikatu
     0 Back
      ___  _ __   _____  __
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     Onex v0.1
     Onex is a library of all
     hakcing tools for termux
     and other linux distribution.
    Link Github



    "onex a hacking tools library." Onex is a kali linux hacking tools installer for termux and other linux distribution. It's package manager for hacker's. onex manage large number's of hacking tools that can be installed on single click. Using onex, you can install all hacking tools in Termux and other Linux based distributions. onex can install more than 370+ kali linux hacking tools. use onex install [tool_name] command to install any hacking tool.

    Operating System Requirements

    onex works on any of the following operating systems:
    • Android (Using the Termux App)
    • Linux (Linux Based Systems)

    How to Install

    Open the terminal and type following commands.
    • apt update
    • apt install git
    • git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/onex.git
    • chmod +x onex/install
    • sh onex/install if not work than use ./onex/install

    How to use onex ?

    CLI Mode :

    onex -h or onex help for help.
    Options :
    • onex install [tool_name] install any tool.
    • onex -i [tool_name] install any tool.
    • onex search [tool_name] search any tool.
    • onex -s [tool_name] search any tool.
    • onex list list all tools.
    • onex list -a list all tools.
    • onex -l list all tools.
    • onex -l -a list all tools.
    • onex help get help.
    • onex -h get help.

    Menu Mode :

    onex start to start onex menu mode.
    Enter a Number for a specific output:
    • (1) : To show all available tools and type the number of a tool which you want to install.
    • (2) : To show tools category.
    • (3) : If you want to update onex.
    • (4) : If you want to know About Us.
    • (5) : To exit the tool.

    We are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. use this tool at your own risk!

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